(910) 579-9348

Saturday WOD is at 830am – SPIN is at 7am (must reserve a bike)

Metcon (Can be scaled or substitute similar movements)
With a Partner
10 rounds for time:
200M Run
21 Kettlebell Swings. 53/35
12 Toes to Bar
Partner A runs while
Partner B does 21 KB swings and 12 T2B.
Then switch.
1 round is complete when both partners have completed the run, kb swings and T2B.

Metcon (Can be scaled or substitute similar movements)
With a Partner
10 rounds for time:
200M Run
21 Kettlebell Swings. 53/35
12 Toes to Bar
Partner A runs while
Partner B does 21 KB swings and 12 T2B.
Then switch.
1 round is complete when both partners have completed the run, kb swings and T2B.

Metcon (Can be scaled or substitute similar movements)
With a Partner
10 rounds for time:
200M Run
21 Kettlebell Swings. 53/35
12 Toes to Bar
Partner A runs while
Partner B does 21 KB swings and 12 T2B.
Then switch.
1 round is complete when both partners have completed the run, kb swings and T2B.