(910) 579-9348

Wednesday Schedule: 6am/8am/9am/530pm WOD

We will go to Las Palmares located in Seaside behind the Food Lion. Join the 530 WOD and/or Join us there!

Superset all 3 movements together:
10 Incline DB Bench Press
10 Incline DB Seal Rows
Rest 2min. Repeat For 3 Total Working Sets.
3 min. of Double Unders
3 min. of Pull-Ups or Muscle Ups
1 min. of Row
3 min. Rest
2 min. of Double Unders
2 min. of Pull-Ups or Muscle Ups
1 min. of Assault Bike
2 min. Rest
1 min. of Double Unders
1 min. of Pull-Ups or Muscle Ups
1 min. of Row

Superset all 3 movements together:
10 Incline DB Bench Press
10 Incline DB Seal Rows
Rest 2min. Repeat For 3 Total Working Sets.
3 min. of Double Unders
3 min. of Pull-Ups or Muscle Ups
1 min. of Row
3 min. Rest
2 min. of Double Unders
2 min. of Pull-Ups or Muscle Ups
1 min. of Assault Bike
2 min. Rest
1 min. of Double Unders
1 min. of Pull-Ups or Muscle Ups
1 min. of Row

Superset all 3 movements together:
10 Incline DB Bench Press
10 Incline DB Seal Rows
Rest 2min. Repeat For 3 Total Working Sets.
3 min. of Double Unders
3 min. of Pull-Ups or Muscle Ups
1 min. of Row
3 min. Rest
2 min. of Double Unders
2 min. of Pull-Ups or Muscle Ups
1 min. of Assault Bike
2 min. Rest
1 min. of Double Unders
1 min. of Pull-Ups or Muscle Ups
1 min. of Row