(910) 579-9348

Wednesday Schedule: 6am/8am/9am/530pm WOD – Open Gym 9am/530pm

ROWVEMBER RULES SAME ALL WEEK. Check back to Monday and review. No more than 1000 per day, no staying past the hour, extra points if you do it all 5 days.

Superset all 3 movements together:
10 Incline DB Bench Press
10 DB Incline Seal Rows
Rest 2min. Repeat For 3 Total Working Sets.
3 Rounds:
1min. of Deadlifts for Max Weight
1min. Rest
1min. of Rowing for Max Calories
1min. Rest
THIS NEEDS TO BE EVERYTHING YOU HAVE. I want you to truly be trying to get as many rep and
calories as possible.

Superset all 3 movements together:
10 Incline DB Bench Press
10 DB Incline Seal Rows
Rest 2min. Repeat For 3 Total Working Sets.
3 Rounds:

Superset all 3 movements together:
10 Incline DB Bench Press
10 DB Incline Seal Rows
Rest 2min. Repeat For 3 Total Working Sets.
3 Rounds:
1min. of Deadlifts for Max Weight
1min. Rest
1min. of Rowing for Max Calories
1min. Rest
THIS NEEDS TO BE EVERYTHING YOU HAVE. I want you to truly be trying to get as many rep and
calories as possible.

1min. of Deadlifts for Max Weight
1min. Rest
1min. of Rowing for Max Calories
1min. Rest
THIS NEEDS TO BE EVERYTHING YOU HAVE. I want you to truly be trying to get as many rep and
calories as possible.

Superset all 3 movements together:
10 Incline DB Bench Press
10 DB Incline Seal Rows
Rest 2min. Repeat For 3 Total Working Sets.
3 Rounds:
1min. of Deadlifts for Max Weight
1min. Rest
1min. of Rowing for Max Calories
1min. Rest
THIS NEEDS TO BE EVERYTHING YOU HAVE. I want you to truly be trying to get as many rep and
calories as possible.