Thursday 8AM WOD (Closed the remainder of the day, Open up at 8am on Friday).
4 Rounds for Time:
11 Power Snatches or 22 SA DB Snatches
400 Meter Run
12 Handstand Push Ups or L-Seated DB Presses
22/18 Calorie Row
12 Burpees
4 Rounds for Time:
11 Power Snatches or 22 SA DB Snatches
400 Meter Run
12 Handstand Push Ups or L-Seated DB Presses
22/18 Calorie Row
12 Burpees
4 Rounds for Time:
11 Power Snatches or 22 SA DB Snatches
400 Meter Run
12 Handstand Push Ups or L-Seated DB Presses
22/18 Calorie Row
12 Burpees