(910) 612-2203

Friday Schedule: 6am WOD – 7am Bootcamp – 8am WOD – 9am WOD – 430pm Open Gym

Spend 18 Minutes on Back Squats
Spend plenty of time warming up to the heavy before starting the 5 Sets
5 Reps as Heavy as Possible for 5 Rounds
3 Min in Each Station with a Partner (YOU GO I GO except the Runs)
10 Burpees – YGIG
100 Meter Row – YGIG
10 DB Floor Press – YGIG
Run (Both)
Rest 3 Minutes 
Repeat for 3 Rounds

Spend 18 Minutes on Back Squats
Spend plenty of time warming up to the heavy before starting the 5 Sets
5 Reps as Heavy as Possible for 5 Rounds
3 Min in Each Station with a Partner (YOU GO I GO except the Runs)
10 Burpees – YGIG
100 Meter Row – YGIG
10 DB Floor Press – YGIG
Run (Both)
Rest 3 Minutes 
Repeat for 3 Rounds

Spend 18 Minutes on Back Squats
Spend plenty of time warming up to the heavy before starting the 5 Sets
5 Reps as Heavy as Possible for 5 Rounds
3 Min in Each Station with a Partner (YOU GO I GO except the Runs)
10 Burpees – YGIG
100 Meter Row – YGIG
10 DB Floor Press – YGIG
Run (Both)
Rest 3 Minutes 
Repeat for 3 Rounds