(910) 612-2203

Tuesday Schedule: 6am WOD – 8am WOD – 9am Open Gym – 10am Silver Sneakers – 530pm WOD

Dumbbell Complex:
8 DB Deadlifts + 6 DB Hang Power Cleans + 4 DB Push Press + 2 DB Curls
5 Sets with 90 second rest between Sets.
AMRAP in 25 Minutes:
Complete 5 Rounds of:
40 Second Max Wall Balls
20 Sec Rest
40 Second Max Cals
20 Sec Rest
40 Second Max Lunges
20 Sec Rest
40 Seconds Max Burpees
20 Sec Rest
40 Second V-ups
20 Sec Rest

Dumbbell Complex:
8 DB Deadlifts + 6 DB Hang Power Cleans + 4 DB Push Press + 2 DB Curls
5 Sets with 90 second rest between Sets.
AMRAP in 25 Minutes:
Complete 5 Rounds of:
40 Second Max Wall Balls
20 Sec Rest
40 Second Max Cals
20 Sec Rest
40 Second Max Lunges
20 Sec Rest
40 Seconds Max Burpees
20 Sec Rest
40 Second V-ups
20 Sec Rest

Dumbbell Complex:
8 DB Deadlifts + 6 DB Hang Power Cleans + 4 DB Push Press + 2 DB Curls
5 Sets with 90 second rest between Sets.
AMRAP in 25 Minutes:
Complete 5 Rounds of:
40 Second Max Wall Balls
20 Sec Rest
40 Second Max Cals
20 Sec Rest
40 Second Max Lunges
20 Sec Rest
40 Seconds Max Burpees
20 Sec Rest
40 Second V-ups
20 Sec Rest