Thursday Schedule: 6am/8am/530pm WOD – Open Gym 9am/530pm
Bench Press 5×5
4 Rounds
10 Total each arm Alternating Dumbbell Incline Bench Press @ Moderate weight – maintain
control and quality
10 Standing Tricep Extension w/ band both arms @ moderate weight – maintain quality
15:00 AMRAP
10x50ft Shuttle Runs
5 Wall Walks
10x50ft Shuttle Runs
15 Deadlifts (185/125)
Bench Press 5×5
4 Rounds
10 Total each arm Alternating Dumbbell Incline Bench Press @ Moderate weight – maintain
control and quality
10 Standing Tricep Extension w/ band both arms @ moderate weight – maintain quality
15:00 AMRAP
10x50ft Shuttle Runs
5 Wall Walks
10x50ft Shuttle Runs
15 Deadlifts (185/125)
Bench Press 5×5
4 Rounds
10 Total each arm Alternating Dumbbell Incline Bench Press @ Moderate weight – maintain
control and quality
10 Standing Tricep Extension w/ band both arms @ moderate weight – maintain quality
15:00 AMRAP
10x50ft Shuttle Runs
5 Wall Walks
10x50ft Shuttle Runs
15 Deadlifts (185/125)