Thursday Schedule: 6am/8am/9am/530pm WOD
ROWVEMBER RULES TODAY: Only what you get done in warm-up counts today. When the coach calls for the class attention to review WOD the rowing must stop. Record and have the coach on duty validate.
3 Supersets:
2 Front Squats (80-90% effort on all sets)
6-8 Barbell Hip Thrust (80-90% effort on all sets)
Rest 2-3min. Between Sets.
10 Wall Balls (20/14lb.)
200m Run
3 Supersets:
2 Front Squats (80-90% effort on all sets)
6-8 Barbell Hip Thrust (80-90% effort on all sets)
Rest 2-3min. Between Sets.
10 Wall Balls (20/14lb.)
200m Run
3 Supersets:
2 Front Squats (80-90% effort on all sets)
6-8 Barbell Hip Thrust (80-90% effort on all sets)
Rest 2-3min. Between Sets.
10 Wall Balls (20/14lb.)
200m Run