Thursday Schedule: 6am/8am/530pm WOD – Open Gym 9am/530pm
5 Bench Press x 5 sets @70% of Heavy Single
* Complete a set on the 3 minutes *
Each set starts with 150m/100m Row into 5 Bench Press
3 Rounds
15 Strict Pull-Ups
30 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
30 Push Ups
5 Bench Press x 5 sets @70% of Heavy Single
* Complete a set on the 3 minutes *
Each set starts with 150m/100m Row into 5 Bench Press
3 Rounds
15 Strict Pull-Ups
30 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
30 Push Ups
5 Bench Press x 5 sets @70% of Heavy Single
* Complete a set on the 3 minutes *
Each set starts with 150m/100m Row into 5 Bench Press
3 Rounds
15 Strict Pull-Ups
30 Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
30 Push Ups