Friday Schedule: 6am/8am/9am WOD – Open Gym 430pm
3×1 – This should be more than last week
1 Rep is:
2 Strict Press
3 Push Press
4 Split Jerk
Rest 2min. Repeat For 3 Total Working Sets. (Build to as heavy as possible)
1 Rep is:
2 Strict Press
3 Push Press
4 Split Jerk
Rest 2min. Repeat For 3 Total Working Sets. (Build to as heavy as possible)
3min. AMRAP:
5 Toes-To-Bar
5 Shuttle Runs
Rest 1 min.
5min. AMRAP:
5 Toes-To-Bar
5 Shuttle Runs
20 Muscle Snatches (75/55lbs.)
Rest 2min.
7min. AMRAP:
5 Toes-To-Bar
5 Shuttle Runs
20 Muscle Snatches (75/55lbs.)
40 Double Unders
3min. AMRAP:
5 Toes-To-Bar
5 Shuttle Runs
Rest 1 min.
5min. AMRAP:
5 Toes-To-Bar
5 Shuttle Runs
20 Muscle Snatches (75/55lbs.)
Rest 2min.
7min. AMRAP:
5 Toes-To-Bar
5 Shuttle Runs
20 Muscle Snatches (75/55lbs.)
40 Double Unders
3×1 – This should be more than last week
1 Rep is:
2 Strict Press
3 Push Press
4 Split Jerk
Rest 2min. Repeat For 3 Total Working Sets. (Build to as heavy as possible)
1 Rep is:
2 Strict Press
3 Push Press
4 Split Jerk
Rest 2min. Repeat For 3 Total Working Sets. (Build to as heavy as possible)
3min. AMRAP:
5 Toes-To-Bar
5 Shuttle Runs
Rest 1 min.
5min. AMRAP:
5 Toes-To-Bar
5 Shuttle Runs
20 Muscle Snatches (75/55lbs.)
Rest 2min.
7min. AMRAP:
5 Toes-To-Bar
5 Shuttle Runs
20 Muscle Snatches (75/55lbs.)
40 Double Unders
3min. AMRAP:
5 Toes-To-Bar
5 Shuttle Runs
Rest 1 min.
5min. AMRAP:
5 Toes-To-Bar
5 Shuttle Runs
20 Muscle Snatches (75/55lbs.)
Rest 2min.
7min. AMRAP:
5 Toes-To-Bar
5 Shuttle Runs
20 Muscle Snatches (75/55lbs.)
40 Double Unders
3×1 – This should be more than last week
1 Rep is:
2 Strict Press
3 Push Press
4 Split Jerk
Rest 2min. Repeat For 3 Total Working Sets. (Build to as heavy as possible)
1 Rep is:
2 Strict Press
3 Push Press
4 Split Jerk
Rest 2min. Repeat For 3 Total Working Sets. (Build to as heavy as possible)
3min. AMRAP:
5 Toes-To-Bar
5 Shuttle Runs
Rest 1 min.
5min. AMRAP:
5 Toes-To-Bar
5 Shuttle Runs
20 Muscle Snatches (75/55lbs.)
Rest 2min.
7min. AMRAP:
5 Toes-To-Bar
5 Shuttle Runs
20 Muscle Snatches (75/55lbs.)
40 Double Unders
3min. AMRAP:
5 Toes-To-Bar
5 Shuttle Runs
Rest 1 min.
5min. AMRAP:
5 Toes-To-Bar
5 Shuttle Runs
20 Muscle Snatches (75/55lbs.)
Rest 2min.
7min. AMRAP:
5 Toes-To-Bar
5 Shuttle Runs
20 Muscle Snatches (75/55lbs.)
40 Double Unders