(910) 579-9348


Saturday Schedule: 830AM WOD – 7AM SPIN (reserve a bike)

Partner A: 25 Wall Ball Shots (20/14), 15 Toes to Bar or V-Ups
Partner B: Barbell Hang Hold (65/55)
Partners switch then repeat
Partner A: 25 Power Cleans (65/55), 15 HSPUs (scale to L-seated presses)
Partner B: Barbell Overhead Hold (65/55) (scale to plate hold overhead)
Partners Switch then Repeat
Partner A: 25 Back Squats (95/65), 15 Shoulder to Overhead (95/65)
Partner B: Handstand Hold (scale to Plank Hold)
Partners switch then repeat
Partner A: 25 Kettlebell Swings (53/35), 15 Burpees
Partner B: Barbell Front Rack Hold (95/65)
Partners Switch then Repeat

Partner A: 25 Wall Ball Shots (20/14), 15 Toes to Bar or V-Ups
Partner B: Barbell Hang Hold (65/55)
Partners switch then repeat
Partner A: 25 Power Cleans (65/55), 15 HSPUs (scale to L-seated presses)
Partner B: Barbell Overhead Hold (65/55) (scale to plate hold overhead)
Partners Switch then Repeat
Partner A: 25 Back Squats (95/65), 15 Shoulder to Overhead (95/65)
Partner B: Handstand Hold (scale to Plank Hold)
Partners switch then repeat
Partner A: 25 Kettlebell Swings (53/35), 15 Burpees
Partner B: Barbell Front Rack Hold (95/65)
Partners Switch then Repeat

Partner A: 25 Wall Ball Shots (20/14), 15 Toes to Bar or V-Ups
Partner B: Barbell Hang Hold (65/55)
Partners switch then repeat
Partner A: 25 Power Cleans (65/55), 15 HSPUs (scale to L-seated presses)
Partner B: Barbell Overhead Hold (65/55) (scale to plate hold overhead)
Partners Switch then Repeat
Partner A: 25 Back Squats (95/65), 15 Shoulder to Overhead (95/65)
Partner B: Handstand Hold (scale to Plank Hold)
Partners switch then repeat
Partner A: 25 Kettlebell Swings (53/35), 15 Burpees
Partner B: Barbell Front Rack Hold (95/65)
Partners Switch then Repeat