(910) 612-2203

Thursday Schedule: 6am WOD – 8am WOD – 9am Open Gym – 430pm Open Gym

Hanging Bar Holds Every 90 Seconds Max Hold x 8 Rounds (try to maintain length of hold throughout)
*For the advanced athlete add weight
*Scale or Modification for those who do not hang from the bar
 (Farmer Carry Hold)
Buy In 15 Devil Presses
Then, 3 Rounds of:
12 Burpees
24 SA Alternating DB Snatches
12 Toes To Bar
Cash Out 15 Devil Presses

Hanging Bar Holds Every 90 Seconds Max Hold x 8 Rounds (try to maintain length of hold throughout)
*For the advanced athlete add weight
*Scale or Modification for those who do not hang from the bar
 (Farmer Carry Hold)
Buy In 15 Devil Presses
Then, 3 Rounds of:
12 Burpees
24 SA Alternating DB Snatches
12 Toes To Bar
Cash Out 15 Devil Presses

Hanging Bar Holds Every 90 Seconds Max Hold x 8 Rounds (try to maintain length of hold throughout)
*For the advanced athlete add weight
*Scale or Modification for those who do not hang from the bar
 (Farmer Carry Hold)
Buy In 15 Devil Presses
Then, 3 Rounds of:
12 Burpees
24 SA Alternating DB Snatches
12 Toes To Bar
Cash Out 15 Devil Presses