Thursday Schedule: 6am/8am/530pm WOD – Open Gym 9am/530pm
For Time:
50 GHD’s (Or Stick Sit Ups)
50x25ft Shuttle Run
50 Toes to Bar – or knees to elbow
For Time:
50 GHD’s (Or Stick Sit Ups)
50x25ft Shuttle Run
50 Toes to Bar – or knees to elbow
Split Jerk 1×1 take 10-12 minutes to find a heavy
For Time:
50 GHD’s (Or Stick Sit Ups)
50x25ft Shuttle Run
50 Toes to Bar – or knees to elbow
For Time:
50 GHD’s (Or Stick Sit Ups)
50x25ft Shuttle Run
50 Toes to Bar – or knees to elbow
Split Jerk 1×1 take 10-12 minutes to find a heavy
For Time:
50 GHD’s (Or Stick Sit Ups)
50x25ft Shuttle Run
50 Toes to Bar – or knees to elbow
For Time:
50 GHD’s (Or Stick Sit Ups)
50x25ft Shuttle Run
50 Toes to Bar – or knees to elbow
Split Jerk 1×1 take 10-12 minutes to find a heavy