(910) 579-9348

Wednesday Schedule: 6am/8am/9am/530pm WOD

(From 0-10min.)
10min. EMOM:
2 Power Cleans + 2 Push Jerks
*Climbing weight or ideally with 1 challenging weight the entire time
Rest 3min. Before Starting Part B Below:

(From 13-23min.)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
10min. to try and get in a mile run
1 Mile Run
Rest 3min.

(From 26-36min.)
Metcon (Time)
10 min. to finish…
50 DB Bench Press (50/25s)
50 Pull-Ups
*You may break this part up however you like!

(From 0-10min.)
10min. EMOM:
2 Power Cleans + 2 Push Jerks
*Climbing weight or ideally with 1 challenging weight the entire time
Rest 3min. Before Starting Part B Below:

(From 13-23min.)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
10min. to try and get in a mile run
1 Mile Run
Rest 3min.

(From 26-36min.)
Metcon (Time)
10 min. to finish…
50 DB Bench Press (50/25s)
50 Pull-Ups
*You may break this part up however you like!

(From 0-10min.)
10min. EMOM:
2 Power Cleans + 2 Push Jerks
*Climbing weight or ideally with 1 challenging weight the entire time
Rest 3min. Before Starting Part B Below:

(From 13-23min.)
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
10min. to try and get in a mile run
1 Mile Run
Rest 3min.

(From 26-36min.)
Metcon (Time)
10 min. to finish…
50 DB Bench Press (50/25s)
50 Pull-Ups
*You may break this part up however you like!