(910) 579-9348

Wednesday Schedule: 6am/8am/9am/530pm WOD – We will change the WOD at 530 to a fun POST VALENTINES DAY WOD.

Meet at Mavericks in Sunset Beach following the 530 WOD for our first “NO SHOWER HAPPY HOUR”!

3 sets
3 minute AMRAP
50ft Single Dumbbell Walking Lunge (40/25)
10 Toes to Bar
Max Calorie Row in remaining time
-Rest 90 seconds b/t sets-
Squat Snatch 3×5 @60% of 1RM these should be fast.

3 sets
3 minute AMRAP
50ft Single Dumbbell Walking Lunge (40/25)
10 Toes to Bar
Max Calorie Row in remaining time
-Rest 90 seconds b/t sets-
Squat Snatch 3×5 @60% of 1RM these should be fast.

3 sets
3 minute AMRAP
50ft Single Dumbbell Walking Lunge (40/25)
10 Toes to Bar
Max Calorie Row in remaining time
-Rest 90 seconds b/t sets-
Squat Snatch 3×5 @60% of 1RM these should be fast.