(910) 612-2203

Wednesday Schedule:

6am WOD – 7am BOOTCAMP – 8am WOD – 9am WOD – 530pm WOD


4 Sets: 3 Push Press + 2 Push Jerk
For Time:
AMRAP 1 Minute
7 Barbell Bench Press/DB Bench Press body weight or .75 body weight.
AMRAP Toes to Bar in the time remaining until you get to 100 reps
-rest 1 minute b/t sets- if large group split into two groups with one working and one resting.

4 Sets: 3 Push Press + 2 Push Jerk
For Time:
AMRAP 1 Minute
7 Barbell Bench Press/DB Bench Press body weight or .75 body weight.
AMRAP Toes to Bar in the time remaining until you get to 100 reps
-rest 1 minute b/t sets- if large group split into two groups with one working and one resting.

4 Sets: 3 Push Press + 2 Push Jerk
For Time:
AMRAP 1 Minute
7 Barbell Bench Press/DB Bench Press body weight or .75 body weight.
AMRAP Toes to Bar in the time remaining until you get to 100 reps
-rest 1 minute b/t sets- if large group split into two groups with one working and one resting.