(910) 612-2203

Thursday WOD 8/29/24

Thursday Schedule: 6am/8am WOD – Open Gym 9am – Bootcamp 530pm

Option 1:
4 sets x Max Effort Unbroken Strict Pull Ups OR Box Assist Pull Ups
-rest at least 90 seconds between sets- (one partner works while the other completes a
Option 2:
4 sets x 4 reps of Box Assist Pull Ups or Ring Rows
-rest at least 90 seconds between sets- (one partner works while the other completes a
200m Run
30 V-Ups
200m Run
20 Power Cleans (115/80)
200m Run
10 Wall Walks
200m Run
20 Power Cleans (115/80)
200m Run
30 V-Ups
200m Run

Option 1:
4 sets x Max Effort Unbroken Strict Pull Ups OR Box Assist Pull Ups
-rest at least 90 seconds between sets- (one partner works while the other completes a
Option 2:
4 sets x 4 reps of Box Assist Pull Ups or Ring Rows
-rest at least 90 seconds between sets- (one partner works while the other completes a
200m Run
30 V-Ups
200m Run
20 Power Cleans (115/80)
200m Run
10 Wall Walks
200m Run
20 Power Cleans (115/80)
200m Run
30 V-Ups
200m Run

Option 1:
4 sets x Max Effort Unbroken Strict Pull Ups OR Box Assist Pull Ups
-rest at least 90 seconds between sets- (one partner works while the other completes a
Option 2:
4 sets x 4 reps of Box Assist Pull Ups or Ring Rows
-rest at least 90 seconds between sets- (one partner works while the other completes a
200m Run
30 V-Ups
200m Run
20 Power Cleans (115/80)
200m Run
10 Wall Walks
200m Run
20 Power Cleans (115/80)
200m Run
30 V-Ups
200m Run

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Wednesday WOD 8/28/24

Wednesday Schedule: 6am/8am/9am/530pm WOD – BOOTCAMP 7am – Open Gym 9am/530pm

Deadlift for load:
#1: 10 reps @ 55%
#2: 5 reps @ 65%
#3: 5 reps @ 75%
#4: 5+ reps @ 85%
300ft Odd Object Carry (100/70)
5 Rounds
10 Dumbbell Push Press (50s/35s)
50ft Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge (50s/35s)
300ft Odd Object Carry (100/70)

* Use an object with a total weight around 100/70. Variety of options include dumbbells, kettlebells,
barbells, sandbag/sandball, or anything else you can find.

Deadlift for load:
#1: 10 reps @ 55%
#2: 5 reps @ 65%
#3: 5 reps @ 75%
#4: 5+ reps @ 85%
300ft Odd Object Carry (100/70)
5 Rounds
10 Dumbbell Push Press (50s/35s)
50ft Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge (50s/35s)
300ft Odd Object Carry (100/70)

* Use an object with a total weight around 100/70. Variety of options include dumbbells, kettlebells,
barbells, sandbag/sandball, or anything else you can find.

Deadlift for load:
#1: 10 reps @ 55%
#2: 5 reps @ 65%
#3: 5 reps @ 75%
#4: 5+ reps @ 85%
300ft Odd Object Carry (100/70)
5 Rounds
10 Dumbbell Push Press (50s/35s)
50ft Dumbbell Front Rack Walking Lunge (50s/35s)
300ft Odd Object Carry (100/70)

* Use an object with a total weight around 100/70. Variety of options include dumbbells, kettlebells,
barbells, sandbag/sandball, or anything else you can find.

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Tuesday WOD 8/27/24

Tuesday Schedule: 6am/8am/530pm WOD – Open Gym 9am/530pm

3 sets:
6 Dumbbell Incline Bench Press HEAVY
12 Wide Grip Push Ups
25 Banded High to Low Chest Flies
-rest 2 minutes between sets-
Every 10:00 ( 3 sets)
18/15 Calorie Row
12 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
18/15 Calorie Row
9 Burpee Box Get Overs (24/20)
18/15 Calorie Row
6 Burpee Box Get Overs (24/20)

3 sets:
6 Dumbbell Incline Bench Press HEAVY
12 Wide Grip Push Ups
25 Banded High to Low Chest Flies
-rest 2 minutes between sets-
Every 10:00 ( 3 sets)
18/15 Calorie Row
12 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
18/15 Calorie Row
9 Burpee Box Get Overs (24/20)
18/15 Calorie Row
6 Burpee Box Get Overs (24/20)

3 sets:
6 Dumbbell Incline Bench Press HEAVY
12 Wide Grip Push Ups
25 Banded High to Low Chest Flies
-rest 2 minutes between sets-
Every 10:00 ( 3 sets)
18/15 Calorie Row
12 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
18/15 Calorie Row
9 Burpee Box Get Overs (24/20)
18/15 Calorie Row
6 Burpee Box Get Overs (24/20)

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Monday WOD 8/26/24

Monday Schedule: 6am/8am/9am/530pm WOD – Bootcamp at 7am – SPIN 530pm – Open Gym 9am/530pm

8 sets x 4 Power Snatch (every 1:30) 50% as Singles
12:00 AMRAP
7 Hang Power Cleans (95/65)
7 Toes to Bar
21 Double Unders

8 sets x 4 Power Snatch (every 1:30) 50% as Singles
12:00 AMRAP
7 Hang Power Cleans (95/65)
7 Toes to Bar
21 Double Unders

8 sets x 4 Power Snatch (every 1:30) 50% as Singles
12:00 AMRAP
7 Hang Power Cleans (95/65)
7 Toes to Bar
21 Double Unders

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MAKE NOT THAT OUR WORKOUT WILL START AT 8 AM TOMORROW FOLLOWED BY A MEETING. ALL BASED AROUND GRIT IRON GAMES. If you are participating in ANY capacity (volunteer, judge, athlete, team captain) it would be helpful for you to attend. If you are not participating in any capacity you are still welcome to join us at 8 AM for a workout.





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Friday WOD 8/23/24

Friday Schedule: 6am/8am/9am WOD – Open GYm 9am/430pm


7 sets x 5 Power Cleans and Jerks (every 1:45) these are singles 50-55%
50 Abmat Sit ups
10x50ft Shuttle Runs
50 GHDs (Or V-Ups)
10x50ft Shuttle Run
50 Abmat Sit Ups
10x50ft Shuttle Run
(Each shuttle run rep is 25 feet down + 25 feet back)

7 sets x 5 Power Cleans and Jerks (every 1:45) these are singles 50-55%
50 Abmat Sit ups
10x50ft Shuttle Runs
50 GHDs (Or V-Ups)
10x50ft Shuttle Run
50 Abmat Sit Ups
10x50ft Shuttle Run
(Each shuttle run rep is 25 feet down + 25 feet back)

7 sets x 5 Power Cleans and Jerks (every 1:45) these are singles 50-55%
50 Abmat Sit ups
10x50ft Shuttle Runs
50 GHDs (Or V-Ups)
10x50ft Shuttle Run
50 Abmat Sit Ups
10x50ft Shuttle Run
(Each shuttle run rep is 25 feet down + 25 feet back)

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